Thursday 23 April 2009

Who’s the daddy...seriously who?

The other day I was watching an episode of Jeremy Kyle show, as any true student does. It was a fairly average episode to be fair, “DNA tests because I’ve slept with everyone in a four mile radius but insist I’m 100% the baby is your”. There was one particular woman who was annoyed at her lay about of an ex who didn’t see the baby because he had an ASBO and wasn’t allowed in the area she lived in. Logic would say if the horse isn’t legally allowed near the water, you might have more luck with it drinking if you take a cup over to it but hey? She was also complaining that he had only paid something like £50 in maintenance for the 6 months of the baby’s life.
All seems fairly clear cut right, slacker dad that needs to step up....? Until you get to the fact that she’d cheated on him and told him the baby wasn’t his. Add to that the fact that she wouldn’t let him put his name down as the farther on the birth certificate and he understandably had alarm bells ringing!
As it turns out, even though she was 100%, the baby actually wasn’t his. The guy was suitably angry, quite upset and wanted his £50 back. And the moral of the story? Lying, even if it’ just an exaggeration of the truth, is naughty and leads to trouble. Sometimes anyways...

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