Wednesday 22 April 2009

A little too peeping show

Earlier in the module we were shown clips from an episode of peep show where one of the main characters, Mark, was hacking into the e-mail account of his love interest, Sophie. He wasn’t doing this out of malice or anything, but just to see what she had been saying about him to her friends and where he stood with her. He started to take on board the things she had said about him and changed himself so that he was more like what she wanted him to be like. Now I’m all for prospective boyfriends doing a little digging and finding out your interests, or what you looks for in a guy before asking you out. If nothing else, it’s quite a good way of working out if you’re compatible. However, when it gets to the, “I’m going to invade your personal space rather than just asking your friends about you”, you know you’re fighting a losing battle.
Whether it’s a friendship or a more intimate relationship, you’re almost never going to find one where both parties are putting in equal amounts of effort. But if you start to get the feeling that the things you’re doing need to be done in secret because, other people might not agree or understand you...STOP. Because that way only stalkerness lies

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